
Janaina's Vintage Diary: Once Upon A Time...

The World of Fantasies, Imaginations and Adventures! This is a place where one can explore a variety of topics, from cliche things like lifestyle, luxury, psychology to equally cliche things like politics and democracy… I invite anyone to express their feelings, thoughts and opinion. Also, I'm going to use this blog, so to reflect onto my University's Final Major projects and learning.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Public Relations Executives undertake all the work! Why should the profession of Journalism exist?

While studying Public Relations, I discovered that PRs are the ones, who undertake all the work, research, forecasting trends, including writing features and selling stories!
If Public Relation Professionals are the key to all solutions, meaning that they are multi-talented people, offering all the services a company needs to boost its reputation and image. Why should we have journalists in this world, if they just Copy/Paste the PRs' Press Releases and News Stories into their publications!? Making an unauthorized copy of work, isn't this suppose to be an infringement of Copyright?

If I was given a brief to create/produce a 'new' publication of which the industry is lacking of, I would aim to Re-unite fashion journalists with PR practitioners:

Today, everybody has heard of PR but surprisingly few people have a clear picture of what it really is and what it involves. To most people, Public Relations is just a ‘spin’. And it’s disappointing to hear that individuals and professionals state about, how one doesn’t even need a license or special certification to practice PR.

This ends up being a motive for the journalists. They create a bad picture in their minds of Public Relations, resulting to how they treat the PR's work, research, press releases, look books and stories. We have to keep in mind, that nowadays, without PRs, Journalists would have to undertake a vast variety of work and research, without having that PR help. However, brands and companies would face management and communication crisis and this would've taken us back to the 20th century, where mass production was the forefront. No one knew what promotion or public relations was. Thanks to Edward L. Bernays for introducing Communication and Reputation management, now known as Public Relations.

Keeping all these in mind, we should change the current ugly face of PR and change the bad perception while boosting its reputation. Let's correct the bad press and rumors that comes on the way. Let's reunite the public and journalists with the fresh PR industry by producing a new, interesting, innovative and creative, visual-led Fashion PR magazine, just for those interested in updating their knowledge with what's new in the industry, incorporating future trends, case studies, fashion spreads by contemporary new photographers, PR profiles of agencies & professionals and features on current events happening in the industry. PR Week is not enough in our industry! We need a publication 'WITH THE TWIST'!

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