
Janaina's Vintage Diary: Once Upon A Time...

The World of Fantasies, Imaginations and Adventures! This is a place where one can explore a variety of topics, from cliche things like lifestyle, luxury, psychology to equally cliche things like politics and democracy… I invite anyone to express their feelings, thoughts and opinion. Also, I'm going to use this blog, so to reflect onto my University's Final Major projects and learning.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trend: The Greatest Pleasure In Life, Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do...

Unfortunately today, we see young children choosing electronic games instead of old traditional toys.

Children playing computer games have been the subject of widespread talk in the media this week, but it seems that UK parents think gaming is good for their children.

Research has shown that there have been an increasing number of studies that have raised increasing concern over the effect that electronic games and toys are having upon the psychological and physical health of children, which have focused upon issues such as aggression, self esteem and obesity. Moreover, such toys, because they often require the child to concentrate upon the activities taking place on the screen, and that they are played by an individual child, have an adverse effect upon that child’s social interaction and communication skills.

Therefore, my proposed Campaign for the DHE brand will focus on the above issue.

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