
Janaina's Vintage Diary: Once Upon A Time...

The World of Fantasies, Imaginations and Adventures! This is a place where one can explore a variety of topics, from cliche things like lifestyle, luxury, psychology to equally cliche things like politics and democracy… I invite anyone to express their feelings, thoughts and opinion. Also, I'm going to use this blog, so to reflect onto my University's Final Major projects and learning.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Doll's House: A woman's world of adventures, fantasies, dreams and desires

No matter what we do, miniatures and dolls houses will always remain a keepsake and a Heirloom in our hearts! I've noticed that once we encounter a miniature shop or a DHE section in Hamleys or Harrods, we become so excited and our psychology immediately rises to a high level! There's always something about miniatures and collectibles that constantly appeals and attracts all sorts of people!

Following, are some videos that I recently spotted and they all have included a Doll's House from the DHE brand.

Price Tag by Jessie J. Price ft B.O.B

Tescos Insurance Ad

Mark-Ronson Record Collection Ad

Lady causes havoc in Churchill shop home insurance advert

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